Admissions & Fees

Fees Structure

Milestones Montessori tuition fees include the following payment options:

Toddler: 12 Months- 2 ½ years old

Option  Hours  Annual Fees  Installment over 12 months 
Option 1: Half Day  06h30 to 12h30 R30,000.00 R 2500.00
Option 2: ¾ Day 06h30 to 14h30 R35,880.00 R 2990.00
Option 3: Full Day  06h30 to 17h30 R 39,480.00 R 3290.00
3 days a week half
06h30 to 12h30 R 20,280.00 R1690.00
3 days a week ¾
06h30 to 14h30 R 22,680.00 R1890.00
3 days a week Full
06h30 to 17h30 R 24,000.00 R2000.00

Preschoolers: 3 years old – 6 years old

Options Hours Annual Fees Installment over 12 months
Option 1: Half Day 06h30 to 12h30 R30,000.00 R 2500.00
Option 2: ¾ Day 06h30 to 14h30 R35,880.00 R 2990.00
Option 3: Full Day 06h30 to 17h30 R 39,480.00 R 3290.00


Let’s Get Clarity

Fees are payable in advance on or before the last day of each month. (Including December)

A 5% discount is offered on the full annual payment option.
A 5% discount is offered as a sibling discount.


School fees include, breakfast, snack, French lesson and holiday program (excluding December) Not included in school fees are excursions and additional extra-murals.


Registration Fees

A once-off non-refundable registration fee of R 700.00
Annual stationery fee of R 350.00

Notice Period.

A minimum one month notice period is required in writing should you wish to withdraw your child from Milestones Montessori.


Bank Details:   FNB

Account Number: 630 155 72092   Branch code: 250655

Reference: Child’s Name & Surname

Documents require for registration

o Application form
o A copy of your child’s birth certificate
o Copy of child’s vaccination chart
o Copy of the Medical Aid Card (in Case of Emergency)
o A copy of each parent /guardian’s identity documents
o A copy of proof of address or last Telkom/municipality accounts
o Previous report from therapist (if applicable)
o Signed policy ,indemnity and consent document


Admission Inquiry